Thursday 21 March 2013

Software Utilities



Example(s): Firewalls and Anti-Virus

Purpose: To protect a company’s/ persons data on a computer from criminals that want to steel important information e.g. personal information like addresses and bank details.

How can this improve the performance of computer systems?

If a computer has, for example a virus, it can get in and steel/corrupt files, send details to other computers or make your computer operate slower. Security software can prevent this from happening.

Improvements that could be made to the utility

Set a time in which your computer can complete updates. For example early one morning about once a week to ensure that your computer doesn’t receive a virus. Get specialist security instead of relying on operating systems due to the fact that it’s more reliable.


Clean-Up Tools

Example(s): Removal of cookies, internet history and defragmentation.

Purpose: Runs computer more efficiently but de-cluttering the PC.

How can this improve the performance of computer systems?

Clean-up tools remove cookies, internet history etc. The removal of these frees up space on the computer which allows it to perform it more efficiently. This is because the computer starts to slow down if it becomes too full.

Improvements that could be made to the utility

Set a time in which your computer can complete a clean-up. For example early one morning about once a week to ensure that your computer can perform more efficiently by clearing not needed data.



Example(s): When a file is deleted, space becomes available which appears as “gaps”. When you want to save a file that will not fit in a gap, the system copes with this by fragmenting the file and storing it in fragments wherever it can.

Purpose: To use space in the hard drive as efficiently as possible.

How can this improve the performance of computer systems?

Defragmenter reorganises fragmented data so your hard disk can perform more efficiently. This is because if the data is in chronological order then it will open a lot quicker than if the file was split up. 

Improvements that could be made to the utility
Set a time in which your computer can complete a defragmentation. For example early one morning about once a week to ensure that your computer organises data to ensure efficient use.

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